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How to Merge Business Facebook Pages

Did you accidentally create more than one business page and want to merge the two? Having duplicate business pages that share similar content can create a misleading online presence for your audience. If you do not have a Facebook business page, here are more details on how to set one up

Do you want to merge business Facebook Pages?  

If you are the admin of two pages with similar topics and names, then merging the pages will eliminate any confusion your audience may have. The two accounts you are trying to merge must have similar names and represent a similar concept. It is recommended that you perform a Facebook search to find all of the pages that were inadvertently created for your business. 

Did you find a Facebook page that you do not have ownership over?

  • Click on the duplicate (unmanaged) Facebook page
  • Go to the top-right menu of the page and press the “is this your business?” line
  • Add and verify your business’s basic information (i.e. the website, phone number, email, or address
  • Now you can merge the two business pages together
    • If you do not have an official page, you can claim & verify the page with a phone call, email, or proof of additional documents
  • If you are unable to claim the Facebook page, then the only way for the page to be deleted would be to report it 
    • To report the page : On the top-right menu of the page, under give feedback or report this page choose the pretends to be another business option
    • Select the real business under the give feedback on this page option 

Other people will not be able to claim the Facebook page without your permission, after a successful verification. 

Are you eligible to merge Facebook pages?

The two Facebook pages must have these four things in order to be eligible: 

  • Both pages share the same topic
  • Both pages have similar names & concepts
  • Both pages have the same admin 
  • Both pages must share the same location if a physical address is provided

Things to consider before merging Facebook pages? 

Make sure that there are no campaigns linked to either page and that both pages have the same About information. Choose the page with the most likes and follows to keep. Warning: Merging pages can not be undone once the process is started, so it is important to download a copy of your duplicate page. You should  download a backup of the business page that will be deleted. 

How to save a copy of your Facebook page? 

  1. Go to your News Feed 
    1. Click Pages in the left menu 
  2. Go to your Page
  3. At the top of your page, select Settings
  4. Under General, select Download Page
  5. Select Download Page
  6. Select Create File

The file will include the page’s shared posts, photos, videos, settings, and information. 

How to merge two Facebook pages?

Log into your Facebook account and choose the pages you are merging

Merge Facebook Pages
  • Select the page with the most likes and follows to keep and click the Keep Page button
  • Press the Request Merge button to confirm the Merge Request 
  • Check that you received a successful merge request message 
  • Post to inform your audience of the merge 
    • People who liked the (duplicate) now deleted page will be informed of the merge. However, this may take up to a few days to complete. 

Make sure you update your cover image, profile picture, about section, and verify the Facebook page. 

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