Results from a Manufacturer’s B2B Facebook Lead Ad Campaign

B2B Manufacturing Lead Ad Campaign

Many B2B marketers disregard Facebook (Meta) ads as they don’t believe the Facebook & Instagram social platforms are appropriate for promoting business products or services. However, business owners and decision makers, however time poor, still like to connect with their family and friends on social media. People are still people, and no matter what their job title, a large percentage of them use Facebook, Instagram and yes, even TikTok ๐Ÿ™‚.

To prove my point, the following results are from a Facebook Lead ad campaign run by an Australian manufacturer of automation machinery, built for the building and manufacturing industries.

The machinery they manufacture sells for a minimum of AU$5000 per piece, with their average sale being around the AU$15k. Some of their larger automation solutions sell for $30k-$50k.

While their head office is based in Australia they also have a factory in the EU and sell their machinery throughout Europe.

Campaign Details

  • Time Period: 6 month (first half of 2022)
  • Platform: Facebook
  • Ad Format: Carousell
  • Audience:
    Men 25-64
    Interests: Manufacturing
    Industry: Architecture and Engineering, Construction and Extraction, Production or Installation and Repair Services
  • Geographic Targeting: Australia and parts of the EU (Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, United Kingdom, Greece, Croatia, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia)
  • Budget: $22.50 / day

Lead Form Qualifying Questions

The advertiser wanted to ensure the leads they received were qualified and make sure their sales people had some basic information before contacting leads. So as to qualify their leads, the following questions were asked in the lead form:

How were Leads Followed Up

When a lead was generated via the Facebook Lead Ad campaign, the advertiser’s sales department was sent a Facebook Lead ad email notification. Leads were also added to their Pipedrive CRM.

Campaign Results

  • Total Spend: $4048
  • Leads Generated: 1081
  • Cost Per Lead: $3.74

So, over the 6 months this campaign ran, 1081 leads were generated at an average cost of $3.74 per lead.

This mean that if this businesses’ sales people converted just 0.1% of leads, they would have covered the cost of advertising.

Could your B2B business benefit from running Facebook Lead Ads?