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Sending Facebook Leads to Campaigner Lists

Campaigner is a marketing automation tool that for sending email and SMS campaigns. It has a powerful WYSIWYG workflow editor and is reasonably priced compared to other similar tools. Campaigner integrates with Shopify and Magento which also makes it a powerful tool for ecommerce campaigns.

If you’re using Facebook lead ads for lead generations and use Campaigner, here’s how to get your leads into Campaigner instantly:

  1. Firstly, we recommend that you create a dedicated list for Facebook leads. You can do this from the Mailing Lists section in Campaigner.
  2. Generate an API Key
    If you don’t already have an API key setup in Campaigner, here’s how to create one.
  3. Setup a Campaigner Connection
    1. Login to your LeadSync account, go to the Connections and click the Add Connection button.
    2. Select Campaigner form the dropdown.
    3. Enter your API credentials
    4. Name your connection. This is for your reference only, so you could simply name it “Campaigner”.
    5. Click Update Connection to save.
  4. Connect a lead form to the Campaigner connection
    1. Go to the Lead Forms section
    2. Click the Add Facebook Lead form button
    3. From the dropdown lists, select your Page, Form and the Campaigner Connection you created above, then click Update Notification.
    4. Select the Campaigner list you wish to add your Facebook lead to, then map the form fields to the Campaigner fields.
    5. Click Update notification again to save.
  5. Test your Campaigner Connection
    Finally, it’s important to test your new connection. Here’s how.
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