Facebook Ads Advantage+ Creative: Optimizing Fonts & Colors

Advantage+ Creative Optimization, previously known as Dynamic Creative, is a feature within Facebook’s advertising platform designed to help advertisers optimize their ads’ performance. This tool automates the creation and testing of various ad elements to determine what combination works best for your target audience.

Within the Advantage+ creative optimization options there is an option call Image Template and it looks a little something like this.

If you’re a regular Meta advertiser you’re probably familiar with the Image Template option but may be frustrated that the preview is often off-brand.

While most of the other Advantage+ Creative options are pretty much set and forget, this is one of the options I always review as the font and color need to be customised 99% of the time.

How to Customize the Image Template Font and Color

To ensure the Image Template is on-brand, you need to click the Adjust fonts and color option to try to find the font and colors that best suite your brand.

From the Advanced Preview section, choose the font and color that best suits your brand.

Choosing a Font

When it comes to choosing a font for your Image Template, Facebook (Meta) Ads is not very helpful in providing a preview. So here’s a list followed by previews of the fonts available.

  • Arimo
  • DM Serif Diaplay
  • Fira Sans
  • Libre Franklin
  • Montserrat
  • Noto Sans
  • Noto Serif
  • Nunito Sans
  • Old Standard TT
  • Poppins
  • PT Serif
  • Roboto
  • Roboto Slab
  • Work Sans
Arimo font preview
DM Serif Display font preview
Fira Sans font preview
Libre franklin font preview
Montserrat  font preview
Noto Sans  font preview
Noto Serif font preview
Nunito Sans font preview
Old Standard TT font preview
Poppins font preview
PT Serif font preview
Roboto font preview
Roboto Slab font preview
Work Sans font preview

Why use the Image Template Optimization Option?

Using the Image Template can help your headline stand out in the news feed, this is particularly helpful for improving click through rate on Facebook lead ad instant forms.