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How to Get Facebook Lead Ads into LionDesk

LionDesk Real Estate Agent CRM is an end to end Sales and Marketing Automation Solution for Real Estate Agents and Real Estate Brokers. It helps realtors by organizing their leads, prospects, and clients, and providing them with the opportunity to close more deals or sales.

If you are already using LionDesk, and you want to get your Facebook Lead Ad leads into the platform, then here’s how you can do it via LeadSync.

1. Log-in to your LionDesk Account:

2. Important part of integration with LeadSync is to get your access token from LionDesk, before you generate an access token you have to create an application which you can find more info here https://developers.liondesk.com/docs/getting-started

3. Once you have LionDesk app setup, in your dashboard view click on your connection you made

4. This will open up a window from which you find your access token, simply click on “reveal my access token” to reveal it, and then copy and paste it in notepad (you will need it later)

5. Now log-in to your LeadSync account and create a new connection:

Add an Email Connection

6. Setup your new connection, and here you will need the access token we previously saved.  Once you fill up all the information hit Update connection to save:

7. Back on LeadSync dashboard, click on add Facebook Lead Form

8. Here you will setup your Lead form. If you use custom fields on your Facebook lead forms and LionDesk, make sure to match your FB fields and LionDesk fields.  Once you filled up all the information, click on Update notification to save:

Congratulations, you’ve just sync LionDesk to LeadSync!

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