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How to Set up a Facebook Business Page

Setup Facebook Business Page

Setting up a Facebook Business page is the first step to advertising on Facebook and to start using the powerful Facebook Lead Ad format.

Considering that around 1.66 billion people, give or take, use Facebook every day, it’s a pretty compelling argument to at least try Facebook Lead Ads as an advertising channel for your business.

Combine this with the ability to also advertise with Lead Ads on Instagram (over 1 billion monthly users), using the same advertising platform… it’s a no-brainer.

So, let’s get started.

How to create a Facebook page for your business

Before you get started, you’re going to need a personal Facebook account, so go ahead and create one if you haven’t already.

Once you’ve done that, login to your personal account and start the Page creation process as follows:

Step 1: Start Creating Your Business Page

Go to https://www.facebook.com/pages/creation

In this post I’m assuming you’re creating a Business or Brand page, so go ahead and click on Get Started under the Business or Brand section.

How to create a Facebook Business Page

Now enter your business details. Use your business name as the Page name or the name people would usually search for to find your business.

For your business category, start entering a couple of words that best describe your business. Facebook will suggest some common options for you.

Choose the category that most suits your business.

Choose a category for your Facebook Business Page

Now add your address, phone etc. You’ll be asked if you don’t want to publish these details. If you don’t have a bricks and mortar business with an office or shop front, then you might want to check these options.

Step 2: Add a Profile & Picture

Now upload a picture that best represents your business. This is going to be the square image that appears when you post something to Facebook. You can use your logo if you have one, or if you’re providing one to one professional services, you might like to use a head shot of yourself… after all people do business with people right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Your Facebook profile picture displays at 170 x 170 pixels on desktop and 128 x 128 pixels on mobile so you’ll want an image that’s at least this big.

Now add a cover image. This could be a picture of your business, your team or, as per this example, a recognisable landmark of the area. I’ve used a pic of the Singapore skyline that I sourced from Twenty20.com.

All done? Cool! Hopefully your page looks a little better than my quick example below. (I had that somewhat goofy caricature designed over at Fiverr.)

Facebook Business Page example

Step 3: Create Your Page Name

Sometimes referred to as a “vanity URL”, creating a username makes for a friendlier looking url that you can use to link to your page.

You can use up to 50 characters, but try to make it as succinct as possible.

Click the Edit Page Info link in the menu on the left, then fill in the Username section and save your changes. It may take you a couple of tries to find a name that hasn’t already been taken.

Add a Facebook Page username

Step 4: Add Your Business Details

Continue filling in your business details in the Page Info section saving the changes as you go. If you don’t have a website, phone number etc, you can select “My Page doesn’t have xxxx”.

Facebook Page Details

Step 5: Add a Button

Head back to your Page’s home page – you should now see facebook.com/yourpagename in the address bar.

Click on the Add a Button button and add the best call to action that you would like visitors to your page to take.

Add a Facebook Page Call to Action Button

Step 6: Add Your First Post

Right now, your page is looking a little nude, so let’s add a couple of posts to get the ball rolling. Your first post might be something simple. Click the Create Post and write an introductory post. Facebook is very much a visual medium, so try to use photos/images when you can.

Create a Facebook Page Post
Photo: @javan via Twenty20

Creating value for your audience is alway a good content strategy, so you might want to add some informative content. For example you could link to an industry report or resource.

Create a Facebook Page Post

Step 7: Invite People to Like Your Page

The method of inviting people to like your page has changed recently and will most likely change again. As the writing of this post, here’s how to ask people to like your page.

Click on the View as Visitor button

View your Facebook Page as a visitor

Click on the three little dots, then Invite Friends.

Invite people to like your Facebook Page

Send a few of your Facebook friends an invite to Like your page. Just don’t be that guy or gal who spams all the people they’re friends with – choose the people who know who’d be interested in – or at least supportive of your business. Mum and Dad for example ๐Ÿ˜‰

Send a Facebook Page Invite

That’s it! You’ve done it! You’ve created your Facebook Business Page. Try to continue to post info that’s helpful to your audience.

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