The Easy Way to Create Facebook & Instagram Ad templates with Canva

When it comes to creating images for Facebook and Instagram ads, those of us who are more left-brain than right-brain tend to struggle. If you’re running a lean start-up or small business, then like many of us, you want to save a few dollars on graphic designers and expensive software by designing your own Facebook… Continue reading The Easy Way to Create Facebook & Instagram Ad templates with Canva

How to Send Facebook Leads to a Moosend Email List

Using LeadSync you can send Facebook Leads to a Moosend email list. Before you begin, make sure you’ve created and published your lead ad campaign. Here’s how to send leads to Moosend: 1. Login to you LeadSync account and click on Connections. 2. Click the Add Connections button 3. Select Moosend from the Connection drop… Continue reading How to Send Facebook Leads to a Moosend Email List

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11 ways to improve your Facebook Lead Ad campaign performance

Are you struggling to generate positive ROI with your Facebook Lead Ads? You’re not alone. On the odd occasion when a LeadSync customer cancels an account (I know, hard to believe right?), we ask them why. Of the folks who respond, 50% say that they’re no longer using Lead Ads on Facebook because they’re not… Continue reading 11 ways to improve your Facebook Lead Ad campaign performance

How to create conditional answers for Facebook Lead Ad forms

Are you actively trying to grow your email list?  Facebook lead ads are an excellent tool to accumulate individuals’ email addresses. If this is your first Facebook Lead Ad, you should check out How to Create Your First Facebook Lead Ad Campaign. Lead ad forms are amplified with a conditional answers feature.  What is a… Continue reading How to create conditional answers for Facebook Lead Ad forms

How to Turn Quality Content into Lead Generation Opportunities

As business owners and/or content writers, we all know that writing quality blog posts is an investment in the future. We hope that one day the Google search God(s) will shine upon us and rank our posts, and just as importantly, we hope our content will be appealing to our target audience when posted to… Continue reading How to Turn Quality Content into Lead Generation Opportunities