What Are Facebook Lead Ads?

If you’re not familiar with Facebook Lead Ads and why they’re so awesome for lead generation, check out the 35 second video below.

Pretty cool huh!?

So where does LeadSync fit in? Good question!

When you generate a lead via Facebook Lead Ads, the lead data gets saved in your Facebook Ads account in a CSV file – like an Excel doc. This means you manually have to go into your Ads account and download the file to get your lead data. N0t very convenient.

Importantly, studies have show that responding to leads within 5 minute of submission increases conversion by 900% compared to when you respond after 10 minutes. So it’s important to get your lead data where you can respond to it quickly.

With LeadSync.me you can have you lead data delivered to your email inbox or to a growing list of CRM’s and Email marketing platforms (see the homepage for all our integrations).  You can even setup an automated email response to let leads know that you’ve received their enquiry.

If you already have a Facebook Business Page, then you’ve got just about all you need to start running Facebook Lead ads.

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